Global Big Day – Saturday, May 11

   This baby hummingbird was rescued by Linda of Sun City, Arizona recently. Join Linda and my other Gillespie followers in participating in Saturday’s World Wide bird count!  Last year 58,000 people participated using their free eBird phone app or Merlin eBird lists made throughout Global Big Day. 3.2 million bird observations were gathered.

Click on the “Newsletter” line on this website for more delightful Nature Note photos, stories and connections with our changing planet.


Lake Pleasant Park Reserve February 2024

The burros of Lake Pleasant entertained us with their loving family antics on a late February sunset visit.  Warned of their unpredictable behavior we kept our distance.

From Sunset Point to Scorpion Bay my guests and I marveled as striking  colors and shadows danced before us ending an extraordinary, peaceful evening.

World Heritage Sites and Each of Us

“World Heritage Sites” were featured in the New York Times on-line this past week.  It seems that the Romanian Beech Tree forests are now being threatened by climate change and over population.

Concerned citizens of Nucsoara, Romania have set on encouraging walks in the Beech Tree wood so that walkers will select a personal tree to sponsor. The tree will be identified by its navigational coordinates and labeled as sponsored.  Finally that sponsor is encouraged to write a personal story about their relationship with that specific tree.

Click on the “Newsletter” bar on my webpage to read more about establishing a “Personal Heritage Site” to protect an honored location that inspires you.