Judy Appel is the great, great-granddaughter of Swedish and German immigrants. Each family settled in the Minnesota River valley of Minnesota Territory as soon as the Treaty of Traverse Des Sioux opened the Native Dakota land to European settlement. Born of hearty folk and nurtured to explore, respect, and cooperate with the beauty and order of the wilderness and its inhabitants, she continues to celebrate the wonders of our creation
Four children launched, four grandchildren welcomed. She is retired from the joy of 30 years of teaching. Her passionately loved husband of 52 years has passed. The excitement of International travel no longer holds its former charm. Today she takes pride in welcoming friends and sharing the beauty of nature and a delicious garden fresh dinner.
Judy’s writings are a reminder that “The Best Things in Life are Free.” Family, friendships, respect, simplicity, and careful consumption bring great contentment. Now in her eighth decade, she spends her summers living off-the-grid, as sustainably as the elements will allow. Her home is a tiny 600 square foot cottage beside Gillespie Creek