Wood Storks, South Carolina’s Largest Wading Bird


Wood Storks have fascinated me since my first visit to the Lowcountry of South Carolina.  This feeding Wood Stork I call “The Bird With A Dirty Face” let my daughter and I watch and photograph from landing to foraging a few days ago.  Wood Storks nest within a tree based colony but prefer to eat alone.  Interestingly the ecological partner to the Wood Stork is the alligator!  Alligators keep the water open around the colony’s nesting tree and guard the birds from human interference.

In turn of course the guarding alligator is occasionally treated to a young Wood Stork chick appetizer.  Click on this Gillespie Creek Website’s “Newsletter” menu entry to read more details on this endangered avian treasure.


Butterflies Prominent in Burnett County Wisconsin 8/4/23

This week my two favorite species of butterflies have joined the ever-present iconic Monarch species to bring stunning decorations to the meadow landscapes.

Yes, the White Admiral                                               and the Giant Swallowtail 


Butterflies have always fascinated me.  This poem perhaps will send you into the dreamy place that restores my soul.

One Day Butterfly

    Aren’t we all one-day butterflies,

not aware of time.

Searching for partners or honey

until Death kisses us.

Then in his arms, tenderly rocked,

waiting for a new chance

to fly away again

and join the dance

of the one-day butterfly

Check out this week’s Gillespie Creek Journal using this website Menu for more butterfly photos by JA, poems and sayings to sooth your soul.



Fireflies, A Summer Solstice Show

This National Geographic Photo dramatically shows what is going on in tall grass meadows where a pond, stream or marsh keeps the ecosystem moist and undisturbed.  Fireflies “Lightning Bugs” are actually beetles on the hunt for love. Check out the “Newsletter” button on this website for more details, posted 6-23-22.

“Here I Am. Where are You?”

June is busting out all over in West-central Wisconsin.  The Wild Plum trees are blooming as are wild flowers.  Red-eyed Vireos are singing their famous song ” Here I am, where are you?”  Click on the Newsletter button on my website to enjoy all of the excitement of spring at Gillespie Cree,.