Saturday morning, October 30, I flew southward on a  Airbus 321.

Weather was “Clear and a Million” as my pilot son would described it.  From my window seat framed pictures show a patchwork of subtile fall colors passing below.  River valleys provided the quilted boarder of white fog fluff of Minnesota countryside.  Passing over the more flat, arid farm lands of Kansas and Nebraska circular irrigation circles dotted the land with symmetry.  Several creative farmers equally divided their soil circles into perfect 180 pie cuts anticipating spring planting.  We passed over Colorado just south of Colorado Springs.  Only a slight muting of dry mountain tops hinted of a recent dusting of snow.  Clearly drought parched lands continue to beg for a return to more normal periodical rainy weather patterns.

I drifted in and out of dreams.  Preparation for the departure had been intense.  Flying is a relaxing transition for me.  I enjoy flights where the plane gently rocks periodically to let me know that the pilots are awake and all is well.  This day I had also been calmed by a pretty powerful Bloody Mary purchased at the newly constructed Zone Cocina restaurant across the aisle from Gate 9 F.  Boarding the plane my belly was full.  This charming dog slept through the flight near me.

My delightful neighbor picked me up, took me to lunch, and delivered me to my desert home.  She recently retired, bought an RV and is now into a vagabond life of travel and meeting new people.  It’s a joy to listen to her enthusiasm .

Unpacking was simple.  Time and energy were left for a neighborhood walk.

Northern Geese were not far behind my flight landing. A flock was preparing for their splash down on the pond in my Quail Run neighborhood.  Listening  I walked out on my patio to scan the sky above my home in the Valley of the Sun.

A new world ecosystem surrounds me.  Please join me as we explore land, sky, water and living creatures over the next few months.